
The 2024/2025 season is open and runs October 1st, 2024 to September 30, 2025. 

Club fees are kept low and include all training activities, group coaching and the use of the club room gym and facilities (at the time of group training). 

(*NOTE: Members only Gym access - soon to be launched. An additional gym fee will apply).

You need to be a financial club member to take part in club training groups but we do encourage new members to come & try a few sessions (free).

Please pay your Club fees through the membership portal on the Athletics South Australia website

To check the options and prices, see the tables below or vist the Athletic SA membership page. 


Most training adult members choose the "RECREATIONAL" membership option for $155

Junior/Student/Senior Recreational Membership is available for $100 

Family discounts are available online, when a partner or child/student signs up and links to the first full-fee paying member. 

If you want to compete in ASA events with reduced entry fees,  or be eligible to represent SA at Australian Championship competitions, you will need to decide between Silver and Gold level memberships.  

If you need assistance with registration:

Questions: Contact Julie at

A Summary of ASA Memberships types are below:

Atheletics SA Season Fees


NOTE: Membership Payments are Via Membership Portal (above) only. 

Please don't transfer membership fees to our Bank account.

For uniform clothing or other items payments can be made by Electronic Fund Transfer to the Club bank account:

Account Name: Adelaide Harriers Athletic Club

BSB: 065-000

Account Number: 10005359

Please include your Surname and item description in the reference field.